Painting. «Yolotzin. The metamorphosis of the heart» / «Yolotzin. La metamorfosis del corazón»
Painting. «Yolotzin. The metamorphosis of the heart» / «Yolotzin. La metamorfosis del corazón»
Mural. «My Home» / «Mi Casa»
The Secretary of Public Education in Mexico (SEP) launched a call that brought together 32 mural artists to represent each of their home states.

3D Mural «A Future for All» / «Un Futuro para Todas»
Mural made for the “Chair for the Future” organized by the Center of Strategic Studies for Development (CEED).

3D Mural «Floating in Pink» / «Flotando en Rosa»
May our hearts be like the axolotl so that we may continue living incredible experiences.

Mural «Flight of Freedom» / «Vuelo de Libertad»
Mural commissioned by the Municipal Presidency of Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato.

Mural «Fraternity between México and Japan» / «Fraternidad México-Japón»
Mural made together with my brother Carlos Alberto on the occasion of the commemoration of the 2021 Olympics.

Painting «Free Children» / «Niños Libres»
This painting was part of the #FreeChildren campaign created by Street Art for Mankind and the UN for the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labor, which seeks to raise awareness about child labor exploitation and trafficking.

3D Mural «Roots and Essence of Poncitlán» / «Raíz y Esencia de Poncitlán»
3D Mural "Renaissance" created by Adry del Rocío at StreetArt Festival Wilhemshaven 2020, Wilhemshaven , Germany.
3D Mural «Tequila»
3D Mural "Renaissance" created by Adry del Rocío at StreetArt Festival Wilhemshaven 2020, Wilhemshaven , Germany.
3D Mural «Unidad» / «Unity»
3D Mural "Renaissance" created by Adry del Rocío at StreetArt Festival Wilhemshaven 2020, Wilhemshaven , Germany.

3D Mural «Vuelo Sororo» / «Flight of Sorority»
3D Mural "Renaissance" created by Adry del Rocío at StreetArt Festival Wilhemshaven 2020, Wilhemshaven , Germany.

3D Mural «Inner Strength» / «Fuerza Interior»
3D Mural "Renaissance" created by Adry del Rocío at StreetArt Festival Wilhemshaven 2020, Wilhemshaven , Germany.

3D Mural at StreetArt Festival Wilhemshaven 2020
3D Mural "Renaissance" created by Adry del Rocío at StreetArt Festival Wilhemshaven 2020, Wilhemshaven , Germany.
Watercolor Painting «Papatzin»
Watercolor Painting "Papatzin" (mujer mariposa/ butterfly woman) painted by artist/painter Adry del Rocio in 2020. Size: 76 x 56 cm.
3D Mural for Den Helder City, NL
3D Mural "impossible encounter" / "encuentro imposible" created by Adry del Rocío for Den Helder City, Den Helder, The Nederlands.

3D Mural at Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
3D Mural "Lord of the turtles" / "El señor de las tortugas" created by Ruben Poncia, Adry del Rocío & CarlosAlberto_GH for Casa Dorada Los Cabos, Cabo San Lucas , Mexico.
3D Mural “Mexicana”
3D Mural “Mexicana” designed and painted by Adry del Rocío.
3D Mural “Nahuales”
3D Mural “Nahuales” designed and painted by Adry del Rocío.

3D Mural at PlaceCiudad de México, México
3D Mural "Kuetlachtli" (lobo mexicano) (mexican wolf) created by Adry del Rocío for Idea Desarrollos, PlaceCiudad de México, México.

3D Mural «Listen to the tropical rhythm», Phoenix, AZ. US
3D Mural "Listen to the tropical rhythm" created by Ruben Poncia & Adry del Rocío for Agave Enviromental, Phoenix, AZ. US.

3D Mural «Agave», Phoenix, AZ. US
3D Mural "Agave" created by Adry del Rocío for Agave Enviromental, Phoenix, AZ. US.

3D Mural for Agave Enviromental, Phoenix, AZ. US
3D Mural "Agave flower" / "Flor de agave" created by Adry del Rocío for Agave Enviromental, Phoenix, AZ. US.

3D Mural at Casa Dorada, Los Cabos, Mexico
3D Mural/Streetpainting "Time to live" / "Tiempo de vivir" created by Adry del Rocío and Carlosalberto_GH at Clubes Vacacionales Questro, Casa Dorada, Los Cabos, Mexico.

3D Mural at Berlin Mural Fest, Berlin Marzahn, Germany
3D Mural/Streetpainting "Home is where the heart is" / "Hogar es donde está tu corazón" created by Adry del Rocío and Carlosalberto_GH at Berlin Mural Fest, Märkische Alle 158, Berlin Marzahn, Germany.
3D Mural Helsingor, Denmark
3D Mural “Every place tells stories" created by Ruben Poncia & Adry del Rocío for the City of Helsingor, Denmark.

3D Mural at Down Town Gallery, Krefeld, Germany
3D Mural/Streetpainting "A house to dream about" / "Una casa para soñar" created by Adry del Rocío at Down Town Gallery, Krefeld, Germany.

3D Mural at 3Ddenhelder, Den Helder, The Nederlands
3D Streetpainting "Treasure" / "Tesoro" created by 3D chalk artists carlosalberto_gh, Ruben Poncia and Adry del Rocío at 3Ddenhelder, Den Helder, The Nederlands.

3D Streetpainting at World Street Painting Festival 2019
3D Streetpainting "400 voices" / "400 voces" created by 3D chalk artist Madonnara Adry del Rocio at World Street Painting Festival 2019, Arnhem, The Netherlands.

3D streetpainting at International Street Art Festival 2019 Brande
3D streetpainting "Swimming in red" / "Nadando en rojo" created by Adry del Rocío at International Street Art Festival 2019 Brande, Denmark.

3D streetpainting at Festival Yaucromatic, Yauco, Puerto Rico
3D streetpainting "Dreamers" / "Soñadoras" created by Adry del Rocío at Festival Yaucromatic, Yauco, Puerto Rico.

3D streetpainting at Illusions of Riga Festival 2019, Riga, Latvia
3D streetpainting "Loving our very life" / "Amando la vida misma" created by Adry del Rocío at Illusions of Riga Festival, Riga, Latvia.

3D Mural at me_by_melia, Los Cabos Baja California, México
3D Mural "Tatei Haramara (Our mother Ocean)" / "Tatei Haramara (Nuestra madre del mar)" created by Adry del Rocío at me_by_melia, Los Cabos Baja California, México.

3D illusion at the Museum of Illusions, Hollywood, California
3D illusion “Mexican toys” / “Los juguetes siempre alegran el corazón” created by Ruben Poncia and Adry del Rocío at the Museum of Illusions, Hollywood, California.

3D streetpainting at Bucerías Street Festival 2019, México
3D streetpainting "The door to the one's heart" / "La puerta al corazón" created by Adry del Rocío at Bucerías Street Festival, Nayarit Jalisco, México.

3D Painting at the Museum of the 3D illusions, San Francisco
3D Mural / 3D streetpainting "At the museum" / "En el museo" created by Adry del Rocío at the Museum of the 3D illusions, San Francisco, California.

3D Mural at the Museum of the 3D illusions, San Francisco
3D Mural / 3D streetpainting "Esto no es arte" / "This is not art" created by Adry del Rocío at the Museum of the 3D illusions, San Francisco, California.

3D Mural for Idea Desarrollos, Mexico City
3D Mural "Xochiquetzal" created by Adry del Rocío in collaboration with Carlosalberto GH for Idea Desarrollos in Mexico City.

Mural «Desert Flower» in Yuma, Arizona, USA
Mural "Desert flower" (Flor del desierto) created by Adry del Rocio for the Art Center of Yuma in Yuma, Arizona, USA.

Mural «Aquatic Soul» in Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico
Mural "Aquatic Soul" (Alma marina) created by Adry del Rocio as part of the United Nations project in Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico.

3D Mural at Hotel Fontán Reforma, Mexico City
3D Mural "Calaveras mural" painted by Adry del Rocio, Carlos Alberto GH & Ruben Poncia at Hotel Fontán Reforma, Mexico City.

3D Streetpainting at Marietta Chalktoberfest, Georgia, USA
3D Streetpainting "Leaf Whisperer" (Encantador de hojas) painted by Adry del Rocio & Carlos Alberto GH at Marietta Chalktoberfest, Marietta, Georgia, USA.

3D Streetpainting at at Afula 3D Festival in Afula, Israel Part 2
3D Streetpainting "Still life resurrecting" (Naturaleza resucitando) created by chalk artist & madonnara Adry del Rocio at Afula 3D Festival in Afula, Israel.

3D Streetpainting at at Afula 3D Festival in Afula, Israel Part 1
3D Streetpainting "Creating ephemeral worlds" (Creando mundos efímeros) created by chalk artist & madonnara Adry del Rocio at Afula 3D Festival in Afula, Israel.

3D Streetpainting at «The Big Draw Festival» Nijmegen
3D Streetpainting "No Title" created by chalk artist & madonnara Adry del Rocio in collaboration with Carlosalberto_GH & Ruben Poncia at The Big Draw Festival in Nijmegen, Netherlands.

2D Streetpainting at Internationales StreetArt Festival 2018, Wilhelmshaven
2D Streetpainting "Tiempo de vivir" (Time to live) by chalk artist Adry del Rocio at Internationales StreetArt Festival Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Adry won 1st Prize in category Free Art at the festival!

Mural «Tree of life» at La Catrina Fest in Ciudad de México
Mural "Tree of life" (Árbol de la vida) created by Adry del Rocio in collaboration with Carlosalberto_GH and Ruben Poncia at La Catrina Fest in Ciudad de México, Mexico.

3D Streetpainting at World Street Painting Festival 2018
3D Streetpainting "Xochipilli" created by 3D chalk artist Madonnara Adry del Rocio at World Street Painting Festival, Arnhem, The Netherlands.

3D Streetpainting at Art in Haut Bugey in Oyonnax, France
3D Streetpainting "Meeting my nahual" (Encuentro con mi nahual) created by chalk artist & madonnara Adry del Rocio at Art in Haut Bugey 2018 in Oyonnax, France.

3D Streetpainting at Arbor Lakes Chalkfest, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
3D Streetpainting "We are not three" (No somos tres) created by chalk artist Adry del Rocio at the Arbor Lakes Chalkfest, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

3D Streetpainting at Guanajuato Madonnari Festival 2018, Mexico
3D Streetpainting "Lucero Quetzalcoatl" created by chalk artist & madonnara Adry del Rocio in collaboration with Carlosalberto_GH at the Guanajuato madonnari Festival 2018 in Guanajuato, Mexico.